♮ ♪ ♫ ♥ Invite her to sing with you ♥ ♩ ♬ ♭ ♯
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I’d never participated in karaoke the night Mark approached and invited me to sing a duet with him. He was the deejay at a Chicago nightclub a friend and I had stumbled into, and it happened to be that nightclub’s karaoke night.
Mark surprised me by zooming in on me to sing with him. As the deejay, he surely wanted to make a good impression when he performed the karaoke. And, for all he knew, I could have sung like a starving wolf on a full moon night.
I accepted the invitation. Lucky for him – and me – I’m a good singer. We sang “I Got You Babe,” and I did swell even during the note-rising “And when I’m sad, you’re a clown ….” – so that folks applauded after I shined through it.
And I was smiling at Mark as they did, and smiling after he and I finished the song and the audience applauded again.
Before Mark had approached me, I’d decided I wouldn’t partake in the nightclub karaoke. Yet when he invited me, so politely and so determinedly, I took the invitation as a compliment from him – and for me, a challenge. It was also a chance to relish in the moment at hand.
That was my first date with Mark, per se. ‘Twas was before I’d moved to Chicago; I was just visiting. He and I exchanged a few phone calls afterward with cozy conversation, yet inability to coordinate a ‘next date.’
I recall Mark with endearment. He said much about himself by approaching me the way he did. He expressed an attraction, and a confidence in me to receive his invitation well. He already sensed a bit of my personality (a gal who liked to sing), that I felt shy about until he challenged me. When I took him up on the invitation we were both rewarded, and had fun.
Invite her to sing ….
This article isn’t about taking your date to a karaoke bar. It’s an analogy to invite your darling to sing.
If you happen to be at a place with karaoke — invite her to sing with you.
Your darling may be your date. Or, you may be out and see a gal you want to date. Either way, express confidence in her. Invite her to sing.
This is considering, but of course, you can carry a tune yourself — and can carry her if need be.
If she shies away from the invitation, coax her kindly. That might be all she needs to get up and sing a duet with you.
If she continues to resist your invitation, you could get up and sing a song dedicated to her.
Whatever you do, remain upbeat, and let her know you have confidence in her to trust you and receive your gestures well.
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