New Years reflections
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New Year’s 2009
‘Tis time to reflect, upon the years before and anticipate the year ahead — before we return firmly back on our feet from the holidays, and start running again.
Three questions to ask yourself:
1) Did I have a good 2008?
2) What do I remember most from it?
3) What wishes do I have for myself in 2009?
Question three will take you years back and to yesterday. Anticipating the new year, you may wrap all your wishes in a bundle and strew them in your plans.
Pay attention to what resonates most, from plans and wishes. Swallow it, make it what you breathe.
This advice from an abstract person. Your 2009 plan may also be strategized. You’re best to follow through with it if you’re breathing the aspirations.
So this is why I say, first write a letter to yourself, then write the strategical list. Both may be short or long.
The first days, weeks, or months this year, will feel most powerful in your “this is a new year, chance for new opportunities” momentum. It’s a healthy time.
That will fade, and be translated by time. Another year – you’ll be saying in 2010 — that went by fast. Yet as you gaze back, making the initial 2009 wishes will seem long ago.
And close, especially per the goals met.
Either way this is a perfect time to take inventory on your life, per se. Relax and think of it just an inventory. You may act accordingly, on what do do next. Processing the feelings and reflections will be epiphanic.
And will remind you how valuable life is, as is the time we have to live it.
Did you make resolutions, or set goals because it’s the new year? Please Comment, and say yea or nay; and if you feel compelled, share the resolutions/ goals, or thoughts.
Happy New Year!
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