Wild Hibiscus & Bubbly — includes video

    ______ initially published Spring, 2011

Macy’s on State ‘The Walnut Room’ restaurant and wine bar featured a special Floral Cocktail menu through June 1st, 2011.
     One of the cocktails featured is the Wild Hibiscus Cocktail, made with sparkling wine, and a Wild Hibiscus Flower in Syrup. The flower comes from The Wild Hibiscus Company in Sydney Australia. It’s a family owned and operated company. Flowers are handpicked, and brought to the factory to be de-seeded, cleaned and carefully  packed into jars. The syrup is a mix of spring water and Australian cane sugar, and keeps the flowers fresh for up to 24 months.
     To make the cocktail, put one hibiscus flower into a champagne glass, cover it with one shot of the syrup, and pour sparkling wine over it, to see a burst of pink bubbles, and a beautiful crimson colored drink.
     Try the Wild Hibiscus Cocktail at The Walnut Room. Jars of Wild Hibiscus in Syrup are available, so you may make the cocktail at home.
     Arthur Lorenz, Area Director of the Foods Division at Macy’s on State, demonstrates making the drink in the video below. To see the complete video, of Jacquée T. interviewing Mr. Lorenz regarding the entire Floral Cocktail Menu, visit here.

The Walnut Room is located on the seventh floor of Macy’s on State, 111 North State Street, Chicago. To make reservations, call (312) 781-3125.

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