Love for Words — Iconoclast

March 21, 2014
An iconoclast is vehement in attacking set traditions or conventions.

One who attacks and seeks to overthrow traditional or popular ideas or institutions.

2. One who destroys sacred religious images.

Origin and history
via Online Etymology Dictionary info

From the Medieval Greek word Eikonoklastēs, from eikōn, meaning “image” and klastēs, meaning “breaker.”

During the 8th and 9th centuries, followers of the Byzantine Empire, or Eastern Roman Church, destroyed religious icons including sculptures and paintings. They formed mobs to demolish these icons, in protest that they were idols that were worshiped, over spiritual belief. During 16th and 17th century Protestants in the Netherlands vandalized old Catholic churches under similar grounds.

Iconoclasts of today attack institutions or conventional ideas, and generally use freedom of speech or expression over physically destroying property. They may write newspaper “Letters to the editor,” for example, or use social media, write prose or pencil sketches as vessels to “smash” popular icons. They attack with conviction and persistence, and are oft perceived as rebels.

Have you by chance conversed over a cup of coffee or a tipple with an iconoclast?

This Jacquée T. Writer in Residence featured Word is brought to you by supporting sponsors including Truckhenge in rural Topeka Kansas.

*** Jacquée T. selects and schedules each featured Word in the spirit of writing, reading, and of improved expression. Love for Words (formerly titled “Word of the Day”) sponsors support her schedule and selection as a whole, and the spirit of this series. Please check out the links to sponsor websites, one link provided per word, and see how they may add  inspiration to your day.

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