Love for Words — Timeous

February 1, 2016
timeous person gets their taxes done early.

Definition via
— in good time, sufficiently early

The word “timeous” combines time + ous, a suffix meaning “possessing” or “full of.” ‘Tis pronounced quaintly “TIME-ous”  [TAHY-mus].

A timeous person aims to be “possessing” or “full of” time. They arrive early to appointments to be composed and prepared. They arrive early to airports to have ample time to get through security.

Meteorologists strive to give timeous warning before a storm. Passenger train conductors and crew work efficiently to deboard passengers at every stop to keep the train on a timeous schedule.

At what tasks or schedules do you feel it important for yourself to act in a timeous manner?


This Jacquée T. Writer in Residence featured Word is brought to you by supporting sponsors including Design 4 Sports in Paola, Kansas.

*** Jacquée T. selects and schedules each featured Word in the spirit of writing, reading, and of improved expression. Love for Words (formerly titled “Word of the Day”) sponsors support her schedule and selection as a whole, and the spirit of this series. Please check out the links to sponsor websites, one link provided per word, and see how they may add inspiration to your day.

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